• The Canine Behaviour Rehabilitation Centre
  • South West England
  • info@cbrc.uk
  • 0782 131 5651
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FAQ: What Happens After Rehab?

 "How does residential rehabilitation help us as a dog owner when our dog comes home after a residential stay?" "What happens when my dog leaves rehabilitation and how do we settle him, and help him with his new skills and learnings in the home?" "Will he just revert to his old ways when he comes home?"

As a dedicated dog owner, you made the choice to invest in residential rehabilitation and CBRC is more than just a service; it's a partnership that nurtures the bond between you and your dog, ensuring a better life together. With our support, advice, and a commitment to lifelong learning, the path to a better adjusted, happier dog is clearer than ever. But what happens after the stay? How do you ensure that the progress made during rehabilitation translates into a better home life? The questions in the first paragraph, amongst many others are the most frequent questions we are asked and quite rightly.

So, How Does It Work?

The answer lies in a comprehensive approach that extends beyond the residential stay and the first step is understanding the transformative experience your dog has undergone. During their stay, they've been immersed in an environment designed to nurture and educate. They've learned new skills, honed their communication abilities, and found more equilibrium in their emotions. This isn't just training; it's a profound evolution in their behaviour and outlook.

The rehabilitation process begins with an in-depth understanding of your dog's unique personality, emotional landscape, and behavioural patterns, basically it is our job to recognise and deal with the emotions behind the behaviours. This in-depth knowledge is crucial for tailoring a rehabilitation program that not only seeks to address the immediate concerns but also equips your dog with handling and communication skills that will last a lifetime. But it's also crucial to your success as a partnership with your dog after his stay because we can provide you with the necessary insights to prepare your home and family for your dog's return and continue to work with you.

With more than a decade of specialised rehabilitation experience we know and understand your journey and your dog's journey intrinsically. When your dog returns home, it's not the end of rehabilitation; it's the beginning of a new chapter and the key is to integrate their newfound skills into daily life. This is where the benefits of residential rehabilitation shine. After their stay with us we know your dog inside out, we understand their emotions and behaviours and we have worked on these and taught them handling skills, communication skills and helped to balance their fear and emotions. We transfer this knowledge and these new skills to you through tailored support in the form of weekly remote consultations and they play a pivotal role in the transition and are something that you need to commit to if you want to succeed. These sessions are designed to plan the upcoming week, review progress, and offer real-time support, ensuring that you are fully equipped to continue your dog's journey of improvement and this ongoing support is a lifelong commitment, ensuring that you never feel alone in the process. We are here 24/7 when you need us.

One-To-One Sessions

You can also book a one-to-one session on collection with us in Devon which will give you a deeper understanding of general handling skills with the old triggers and 'crash course' you as an owner.

And for those seeking an even deeper level of support, if you live in Dorset, Devon or Somerset you can book one-to-one non-residential sessions once your dog has returned home. These sessions are designed to equip you with the skills to navigate old triggers and maintain the positive behaviours established during your dog's stay.

Respite Boarding

And for those times when life takes you away, we can offer boarding for your dog in an environment they know and with people they trust with the option for behavioural top-ups to brush up on skills and even teach new ones ensuring that your dog's progress is maintained. It's an opportunity for a refresher, a chance to learn new skills and it gives you as the owner the freedom you need to do what you need to do in complete peace of mind.

"I have to say Joy that our two Frenchie's are doing far better than expected. It going to be their first walk tomorrow after their return home 2 weeks ago. Their mannerism around the house is brilliant, our neighbours said that the dogs don't bark at them since they have returned home. They said they can look over their wall and the dogs will now just look at them with no sort of anger issues. I will recommend your kennels, training and rehabilitation to any dog owner. They will be having more visits to you of course, and I will not hesitate to bring them to you. I think refreshers will be required for a while yet."

by Kevin Withey
Specialist Boarding For Unique Dogs
CBRC One-To-One Sessions With Dot